
As an artist participating in the Tsuka Exhibition, we would like to thank you personally for being part of this exciting project. Your time, effort and support is much appreciated. We were graced with the presence of five visiting artists for the exhibition launch and public program - thank you: Chikako Enomoto, Daisuke Morishita, Hajime Kimura, Kenji Chiga and Kazuma Obara. 

At the opening we had a record number of more than 440 visitors. The Public Engagement Program was generously supported by the Japan Foundation, Sydney, and it included a gallery floor talk with four visiting Japanese artists, a full-day bookmaking workshop with Kazuma Obara and Hajime Kimura and conversation at Perimeter Books, Melbourne, with Hajime Kimura and Dr. Kristian Häggblom. We will soon have installation stills and video documentation for you and more reports on the large attendance numbers. There has been interest to purchase some work and direct contact will be made if this arises. 

We encourage you to promote the project further and especially the website and downloadable catalogue.

Our gratitude is paid to Ross Lake and Helen Vivian for their ongoing financial support and wise guidance. Important thanks also need to go to Sam Forstyh-Gray (curatorial assistance), James Bugg (all-round-good-guy), Geoffrey Charles Edward Brown (install master), our advisors, technicians and web content contributors. 


See details on the CCP website with some opening pictures here! ( 


See an interview with Dr. Kristian Häggblom by A/fixed Journal. ( 

Tsuka Project